This morning I ran a 10K (6.2 miles) in the Rex Lee Run. I ran with my running buddy Jen, her sister-in-law Jamie, and my friend Lindsey. I haven't run very many races with someone else. I always end up being there with friends, but then running by myself. So this was fun! Jen and I ran together the whole way and met up with everyone else at the end. She did awesome; it was her first race ever and we wanted to do a small race to prepare us for our big half marathon in Salt Lake next month. We were really lucky the snow storm hit just as we finished the run, but we didn't stick around to see our results.

The start. We are in the upper left of the crowd.

Jen and I a bit before half way.

The final kick at the finish.

There were so many people. I love the crowds at races!

Lindsey and I at the end.
Hey you look good. Maybe next time I'll be able to keep up with you the whole time. Awesome job!
Nice job ladies!! You and Linds look great at the end. Doesn't even look like you'd just finished a race!! :)
Awesome! I think the Rex Lee Run was started in memory of one of Jeff's favorite professor's Fathers. We ran it one year together cause he challenged all of his students to try and beat him :) Jeff will be happy you support him!
After I run for 10 minutes, I no longer look as cute as you did at the end of the race! Way to go!
I love these pictures! You look happy to be running... not to mention SPEEDY, as always :)
Can't wait to see you this summer- don't know when I'll be out there, but I'm bound to be there at some point. :)
How fun is that!? Seriously, I wanna go running with that group. Way to go, Connie!
Awesome! That's cool Lindsey did it too! Its crazy to contrast the difference in weather and running attire from your race and mine. :)
yay!!! and good job to jamey and jenn too :)
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