Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yesterday was Brandon's Birthday! I asked him what he wanted and he said nothing. I couldn't think of anything that he had mentioned he wanted so I decided to fill his birthday up with things he loves. Maybe I will get him a good present down the road when I think of something great.

Once Brandon got home from school, we started his birthday cElEbrAtIOn!! We went for a fun bike ride on some trails up Provo Canyon.
Then we headed home to make his favorite dinner. Pasta Alfredo Special. This homemade meal is really the best there is!!
For Brandon's favorite dessert/birthday cake, I made little cheesecakes with raspberries and blueberries for the toppings. Everything was so good!
Lastly, we watched the Discovery Channel and it just happened to be Man vs. Wild. A crazy show of killing an alligator and then eating it. I would only watch it for Brandon.


Ali said...

Sounds like it was a perfect day for him! (minus something that involves computers,right? :)
YOu are a sweet wife to do all of that. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

summerk said...

Happy Birthday to Brandon! You two are such a cute pair!

Anna said...

Tell Brandon hello and happy birthday! I meant to text him but my phone didn't have service at work :( He's lucky to have someone make it such a good day!

jenni said...

Happy Birthday to Brandon! Connie... what a kind and thoughtful wife you are- fun day!