Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Day in the 7th Grade

Right now I am sitting in my GREAT friend Jenni's classroom of 7th grade math students. My flight out to Utah for this afternoon is canceled due to the dang weather and now I am stuck in the DC area for another day. (I will post about this vacation visiting Jenni in DC when I get home.) I miss you Brandon:(.

Anyways, 7th grade math came back to me in a flash. I now have all the area formulas re-memorized and could most likely pass a Geometry Test with flying colors. Thanks Jenni! You are a great teacher.

Some of the students were hilarious. This post is just to record a funny conversation I had with a fellow Asian during 3rd period.

7th grader: "So, where are you from?" (He sits in the desk closest to the teacher's desk, which is where I was sitting.)
Me: "I am from Utah."
7th grader: "Oh Utah. Huh. I was just wondering because you look Asian."
Me: "Oh yeah. Good job for catching that right on. Most people think I am Hispanic or Polynesian."
7th grader: "Yeah, you look Asian."
Me: "Well, you look Asian too."
7th grader: "I am. I am Filipino."
Me: "Asians are good because they can always pick out a fellow Asian."
7th grader: "Yeah. (While motioning a head nod and giving me some kind of salute.) COM.MUN.ITY!"

The darnedest things that even Junior High kids say. Awesome.


bltpyro said...

You'd think after going to Taiwan I should have guessed that too, but like you have said in a different post I was one that got it wrong. I still don't feel as bad though since their own kind (Hispanic) also think you are. Miss you too!

The Wilson Family said...

hahahha. Thanks for posting that, it was funny conz :o) How are you by the way? How is school?

Anna said...

Aw your husband comments on your posts!

ha yeah you gotta love them kids! That makes me smile.