Monday, May 12, 2008

Like Gourmet...

The other night Brandon and I went out on a limb and tried mango salsa salmon. We were very surprised with the way it turned out and it looked oh so gourmet so we thought we would take a picture and enter it into a cookbook or magazine. Just Kidding. Actually, we or rather I just wanted to blog it.

Anyways, Brandon is not much a fan of salmon and I have been trying to come up with clever ways to make the salmon taste yummier so he can enjoy the healthy meal. Well, I thought we should try the mango salsa salmon. So we went to Costco in search of the big tub of mango salsa. We looked and looked and looked around that huge warehouse and had no luck. As usual, when you finally get up the nerve to buy the bulk form of Costco product they don't have it anymore. I had already pulled out the salmon to defrost so there was no turning back now. My sister assured me that homemade mango salsa was not that hard. I still didn't want to go there. I kept up a determined search to find mango salsa. Well, did you know that mango salsa does not exist in the grocery store. After quite a bit of searching and having no luck buying already prepared mango salsa we decided to make our very own homemade. It turned out delicious and guess what, it wasn't even really that hard. Easier than trying to track down the already prepared kind from the store, anyway. Plus, homemade probably tastes a whole lot better. Brandon did enjoy the meal even though it was salmon. So it looks like homemade mango salsa did the trick!

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