Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a WeeK OfF frOm WoRk!!

First off, this is a long post...sorry, a lot happened! This past weekend we took a mini road trip to California to visit home and for my brother's wedding open house. We left on Wednesday after work and stayed the night in St.George so on Thursday we could spend all day in Zion National Park. We first hiked Angel's Landing. It is a gorgeous hike and the actual part up to Angel's Landing is crazy cool. In the picture below, you follow the route with the trees to the top. There is a chain along the way for everyone to hold on because it is scary cliff on both sides and you are basically climbing rocks the entire way up. When I first saw what we had to hike up I was kind of scared; my hands were all sweaty and I was shaking. However, I realized it wasn't so bad. When you reach the top you have a beautiful view of the surrounding area and it is fun to say that you made it to the top! Next time I want to run to the top. It would be an extreme workout.
The very top of this is Angel's Landing. Follow the route with the trees.
Here is Brandon on our way to the top.
Scary parts of the climb up, but nice views.
Don't look down!
On our way up to the top we saw some chipmunks and just had to take pictures of the furrballs we have been obsessed with imitating lately. (You all really should watch that clip from Enchanted;)- see a previous post.) Brandon got a really great shot of one of them. None of the others would hold still long enough.
We also had some fun fooling around in the mini caves while hiking up the trail.
After a short rest from Angel's Landing we headed out for the Emerald Pools. I think in the right time of year these pools would be a beautiful site to see, but not in the summer. All the water seemed dried up and there wasn't much to see as far as pools and waterfalls go. We had a good hike anyways and enjoyed what scenery was left.
After our day in Zions, we drove home to California to start helping with the open house. Everyone had assignments and the entire weekend from preparation to clean up went smoothly. We also had fun with family, extended included.
Watching "home run derby" at the baseball fields.
Playing Gumpsh!
There was soooo much food left over, but that was good because it was yummy. Here is everyone hard at work.
My sister, Terri and my mom. It's hot!
My sister, Janet and my cousin, Tracy. Crying onions;(
My mom, my Uncle Kevin and Tracy making yummy food.
Making homemade root beer!
My dad lighting the candles in the backyard.
This week off from work was a blast. Sadly, vacation has to end. Hopefully another one will come soon!


Ali said...

Wow, that is a lot to update on...your family looks so cute :) That rock looks steep! I think I would've wet my pants. I showed Angel this post next to me and she said she wouldn't climb that- she's heard scary things. Brave, you :) That picture of the squirrell rocks, too. It looks like it's out of a magazine!!

Becca Rowe said...

Connie! What a fun trip. You have motivated me to go on a trip with Brad.