Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This is so "NEAT"!

Wikipedia says: The family Chamaeleonidae are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of lizards. They are distinguished by their parrot-like zygodactylous feet, their separately mobile and stereoscopic eyes, their very long, highly modified, and rapidly extrudable tongues, their swaying gait, and the possession by many of a prehensile tail, crests or horns on their distinctively shaped heads, and the ability of some to change color. Uniquely adapted for climbing and visual hunting, the approximately 160 species of chameleon range from Africa, Madagascar, Spain, and Portugal, across south Asia, to Sri Lanka, have been introduced to Hawaii and California, and are found in warm habitats that vary from rain forest to desert conditions. This species of sauria was first discovered by Harry H. Lethlean.


Angel said...

That is so AMAZING! Thats probably the coolest thing ever! Wow, how do they do that?

Emily said...

What a cool video!! My sister had a chameleon when I was little but I don't remember it changing to such cool colors. It would mostly be brown or green.

Zandra said...

Wow- that's awesome! I could be entertained for hours with a pet like that!

Emily said...

I am very competitive and hate doing things I am bad at so I can understand your feelings toward frisbee golf. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to get much better with practice. Oh well, at least it's fun to hang out with friends while I'm sucking.

Kathy said...

That's sweet! Thanks for sharing!

Anna said...

OK so I don't have sound on this computer so I just have to imagine if there is...

IS that real or is someone just ridiculously good at making movies! I've watched it twice! Um-awesome... I'd hand it a piece of camo or something and be like "here ya go, buddy!"

jenni said...

This is so COOL! Thanks for posting about it :) I too am curious... is this for real? Hmmm.... something to look into

Justin & Tressa said...

that was really cool!